I've just come back from a trip to Riyadh, Dubai, and Doha. Not much sign of the Arab Spring in these places, although the local papers always make interesting reading. The Gulf Times lambasted Obabma for not giving enough support to rebel groups. Gulp. I wonder if Sheikh Mohammed knows about this.

Riyadh is, as ever, a pretty charmless place. Dubai is outrageous. Doha, as Goldilocks might have remarked, is just right. I sat with a friend on a restaurant balcony overlooking the souk, smoking a shisha, and all was well with the world.

W&N have sent me their New Voices publication for 2012 - extracts from new writers. I'm included and so are a few chapters from Maximilian. It is scary to realise how good the other writers all are. I'm now reading them on my iPad, in order. I haven't come to my bits yet. You can upload this on PDF if you google 'W&N New Voices 2012"

How many giraffes were on the ark? (and other musings) [22nd April 2024]

So how many giraffes do you think there were on Noah’s ark? (By the way you don’t have to believe in Noah or his ark to answer this. It is a...