Showing posts with label Provence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Provence. Show all posts

My Map Pins (21): Fuveau, Provence, A very French Book Festival (Posted March 2021)


Every autumn the lovely, hilltop village of Fuveau, in Provence, hosts a three day book festival.  And what a festival! Book lovers come from all over France. There are also a couple of hundred authors, all with books to promote. (I am shamelessly guessing that number. Maybe someone will tell me the real figure some day and I can correct it). The writers all sit behind tables in the main town square, with heaps of their books on display. It is like a huge flea-market for books. Visitors browse around and look at the books, and chat, and occasionally they will buy one and the author will sign it, and it is all enormously convivial and very French. 

The festival is organised by Les Ecrivains en Provence. Each year they invite four guest writers from another country, and for these fortunate authors they put on a generous display of Provencal hospitality, and as you might expect, there is music and frivolity, and a great deal of wine is drunk, and food consumed. In 2016 Britain was the featured country and I was hugely privileged to be one of the four British writers invited to be there (the others were Stuart Neville, Amanda Hodgkinson, and the brilliantly entertaining Peter Guttridge.)   If you happen to be in the South of France in the autumn, check their website.  ( – you might just catch the festival. You don’t have to be French to enjoy it. And Fuveau itself is a charming place.    

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